A Strong Foundation for Community Health

A Strong Foundation for Community Health

St. Luke’s is proud to have the structure of our church home restored and to become a unique historical resource in our city.

Excitement was in the air when this second location was built for St. Luke’s in 1958. It was modern, unique and beautiful. The perfect home for the growing community of faith and the work they wanted do with the surrounding neighbourhood.

Now in 2022 that excitement is present again as we remember and preserve the history of our building, while helping to ensure its place in the life of the neighbourhood for years to come.

The structural repair of one of the signature arches of the  building was a seemingly small piece of work but required a great deal of engineering. Completing the work to restore the safety and beauty of the building would not have been possible without funding support from the Anglican Foundation and the City of Edmonton. The people of St. Luke’s are grateful for the City’s care for its living history and the Anglican Foundations support of the many ministries that call this place home. 

Today the St. Luke’s building is home to three separate Christian communities, a small Indigenous owned and operated business, community league events, a weekly food bank depot, and many other groups and events which change and enhance the lives of our neighbours in body, mind, heart and soul.

The many personal donations, the Anglican Foundation funding for this restoration and the ongoing maintenance funding through the historical designation, ensure that this place of worship will continue to be available to the public for the flourishing of our neighbourhood for years to come.
Let me know if you would like me to expand on anything or if you have any particular questions or direction in mind.

The people of St. Luke’s express deep gratitude to all those who have helped keep our place of prayer safe and welcoming for all who come and take part in the many gifts of this place.

You can read more about the designation from the city here.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Nick Trussell+

Messy Church : Run the Race! June 11th 4pm

Messy Church : Run the Race! June 11th 4pm

Games, Races and Ice Cream! Gather at St. Luke’s at 4pm then we’ll walk to the park together for soccer, races and ice cream making! Bring a lawn chair. What we win is fun and friendship; the gold of the Kingdom that never fades.

You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally.

I don’t know about you, but I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m giving it everything I’ve got. No lazy living for me! I’m staying alert and in top condition. I’m not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (The Message)

Holy Week & Easter Worship 2022

Holy Week & Easter Worship 2022

Join us as we enter into the life and resurrection of Jesus by prayer

April 14, Maundy Thursday 7pm – Maundy means command. It is the day we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples where he gave them a new commandment, to love one another as he has loved us. That love he showed at that very meal by washing their feet in an act of humble service. That love would be obedience in faith even to death upon the cross.

April 15, Good Friday 10am – This solemn and somber day we mediate on the cross of Christ.

April 16, Holy Saturday 7pm – This Year we will celebrate with St. David’s and St. Patrick’s at St. Augustine’s (6110 Fulton Rd). The Great Easter Vigil recounts the love and blessings outpoured from God in creation right through to the resurrection of Jesus and over our lives today. It is the first Eucharist of the Easter season and when we bring the new light of Christ into the church from a new fire.

April 17, Easter Sunday 10am – Celebrate Easter with thanksgiving together.

All our worship will be in person with the availability of particpation by zoom. The zoom link will be on our website. For those who are feeling well and who choose to come in person, masking, distancing and sanitizing are encouraged whenever possible. We will share communion at the altar rail in one kind (bread only).

Taizé at St. Luke’s

Taizé at St. Luke’s

St. Luke’s was scheduled to host an ecumenical Taizé prayer service in May though obviously the global pandemic has changed the plan a bit.

Here you will find a video of the musicians sharing their music and prayer. We hope it is useful for your own prayer and meditation.

You can learn more about Taizé at https://www.taize.fr/ and join the brother’s in their prayer practice on facebook

The Taizé Prayer in Edmonton and area Facebook can also be found on facebook https://www.facebook.com/edmontontaizeprayer/