Email List

Email List

Are you on our email distribution list?  If not, please consider adding your email address to our email distribution list.  It enables us to more effectively keep you up to date with St. Luke’s news events and prayer requests.  It also enables us to keep our print costs down.  Your details are not shared with anyone else.  If you would like to be added to the email distribution list please see Karen.

Recycling Project

Recycling Project

St. Luke’s is engaged in a recycling project! 🙂 We are collecting pop cans, plastic milk cartons, fruits juice cartons etc.  Not only does this help with care of the earth, one of ‘The Five Marks of Mission’ that Edmonton Diocese is committed to, but we get dollars for all we recycle!  So it’s a win-win! 🙂  Please bring your recycling to the church and place it in the recycling bin in the main hall.  All monies raised will go to our Sunday school fund.  Thanks for your help.  If you have any questions, please ask Jim 🙂 Richard