This Maundy Thursday is like none other that we have observed. Rather than gathering to pray and reflect together in the church, remembering Jesus last supper with his disciples, we will be in our homes, with family or alone, recalling the night when Jesus gathered in an upper room with his friends.
You may download here some simple prayers to accompany your meal on Thursday that you may know Jesus in the breaking of bread together, through the scriptures and in your prayers. I have included a simple bannock recipe as well to share as part of your meal (it will pair well with your favourite wine or juice). I encourage you to wash the hands or feet of one another in your house, remembering Jesus call to loving service of one another. If you are alone, as you wash your hands remember those who are with you in spirit and praying for you and know also that we wash our hands so much in the midst of this pandemic, not in fear, but in love and care for those most vulnerable to the spread of the virus.
It is a holy night, when we join with Jesus in his prayers in the garden, awaiting the sorrow of his betrayal and death and trusting in the will and work of God. You may want to read in prayer Matthew 26-27
For the children of our community, this video expresses well the journey of holy week so far.