Caring for our world

Caring for our world

We believe at St Luke’s that an important part of trusting Jesus and following His ways is to care for the world created for us.

We can all make a difference, however insignificant it feels.

We’ll be posted some resources to help you in ways we can all manage.

It’s a beautiful world. Let’s care for it : )

Here is part one, and it’s all about water

Creation Care posters – water 1

Richard’s latest update – ‘I was thinking’

Richard’s latest update – ‘I was thinking’

Whenever necessary, I write an update on the latest strategical developments in St Luke’s.  So these are not scheduled. They come out when it is really important. I call it ‘I was thinking’, for this reflects the function of these editions; to show why we are doing what we are doing and, I hope, joins up all the strategic dots as we travel forward together.

Until now, we have not put these on the website. Now though, with more and more coming along to St Luke’s, it’s important we try and communicate even more effectively.

So the latest edition is here and speaks about our development into the fifth Mark of Mission, namely ‘Care of the Earth’.

It’s in Word format.

IWT – 25th Edition – September 2nd 2018.2

Thanks for your part in this exciting journey we are on with Jesus

Richard : )