The Alpha Course – Explore together

The Alpha Course – Explore together

Starting Thursday 12th September – the Alpha Course

We had a great time at our first session but it’s not too late to come along.

We start at 6.30pm with a meal. We watch the week’s video at 7.15pm and then chat about it in small groups.

It’s great fun and it’s all about working out together what this life is all about and what we think/believe/feel about God.

You are most welcome to join us.

Messy Church – Saturday 9th March

Messy Church – Saturday 9th March

It’s our March Messy Church this Saturday.

This time we are thinking about what it means for us to be a community and how can we be a blessing to each other and our wider community too.

As always we start at 4pm. Our meal follows at about 5.15pm or so. There is no cost. We are delighted for your company and always feel free to bring anyone along with you : ) 

Looking forward to seeing you : ) 

Not sure what to give up for Lent? : ) How about something that benefits Creation?

Not sure what to give up for Lent? : ) How about something that benefits Creation?

The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has an environmental network called Green Anglicans. They have a brilliant idea for Lent – fasting from the use of plastic, while reflecting on how our actions affect the world we live in. Each week has a theme – plastic bottles, food shopping, even clothing! Consider using this for your Lenten activity this year.

You can find out more about this initiative here.

The Less Plastic for Lent resource is here.